Sweet Thames, run softly, for I speak not loud or long.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Classes, Cheese Balls, War Horse, Trafalgar, Street Food

It's amazing how much happens around here in just two days. Yesterday, (Thursday) I had my three classes, but my art and history courses took place outside the classroom. That seems like it's generally going to be the schedule, at least for those two courses. For the art class, we went to the National Gallery where we looked at some Flemish and Italian altarpieces from the Renaissance. In passing, we saw the Arnolfini portrait, that really famous painting of the solemn man and his pregnant wife. That was pretty cool. Then, we went on our first walk for the History of London class. We started right near the Tower of London, and we saw part of the original Roman wall. London was founded in about 50 A.D. by the Romans, so we're starting that far back. We looked at all sorts of historical markers, plaques and things from Roman times, and it was sort of fun wandering through London with a very knowledgable professor. It's very true that you can't walk down any street in London without walking through centuries of history!

After class, some friends and I went out for dinner before a play. We found this random Dutch pancake house that serves these GIANT pancakes. I opted for fried cheese balls that came with the most outrageous mustard ever. And of course, a pint of Heineken. After dinner we went to the New London Theatre to see a performance of "War Horse", which is adapted from a book that describes the first world war through the eyes of a horse. It was unbelieveable! They used these complicated puppets for horses and animals, and the effect was incredible. Here's the web address of a YouTube trailer if you're curious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-bni4QqSv4

Today, I didn't have any classes, so I woke up late, tottled on down to Starbucks for the usual, then decided I wanted to hang out more in Trafalgar Square, so I went by myself. They're having some sort of festival there this weekend, so it was crowded and there were these little tents everywhere. After a bit, I walked down Queen's Way toward Buckingham Palace, then back through The Green Park, which was lovely. It was nice to see all the Londoners hanging out in the park, just enjoying the greenery. On the final stretch home, tummy-a-rumbling, I decided to stop in at one of the sketchy little buffet places on Euston Road. For "take-away", the price was only 4 pounds, so I tried some crispy lamb, some teriyaki chicken, some vegetable noodles, and some fried squid. Very tasty! Tonight's looking pretty low-key; we have to be up early tomorrow because the group is going via ferry to Greenwich for a little day trip. Should be fun!

In general, I feel like I'm adjusting pretty well to "city life". I don't feel quite as tired at the end of the day, anymore. I'm missing my friends quite a bit, but I'm enjoying being in a big city. I'm beginning to realize just how capable I am of getting around (unlike some of the other students on the trip). It's actually been a little difficult having to live with other American students, just because I am such an independent spirit and enjoy exploring on my own. How do you tell someone nicely that you'd rather they not come with you somewhere? It sounds kind of harsh, but I'm constantly worried that this experience is going to be more like extended summer camp. I try to be in the flat as little as possible, but sometimes it seems like that's all my fellow students want to do... just "hang out" at home. No thanks!

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