Sweet Thames, run softly, for I speak not loud or long.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Beckett, Death Disco, A Monumental Purchase, Free Music

This week has been very, very busy.

On Monday evening, we went to see Samuel Beckett's "Endgame", second only to his famous 'Waiting for Godot". In an earlier post, I complained that I didn't like Brecht's "Mother Courage", and I suppose logically I shouldn't be a Beckett fan, but I am. I think Beckett is better because his plays, though absurdist and often annoying, are short. I can take absurdist theatre in small doses. Next up on the theatre front, I'm going to see "The Power of Yes" on Tuesday. I can't say much about it because I haven't read anything about the play, but it's still so amazing to me that I've had the opportunity to see all these incredible plays.

Wednesday night, my "local", James, took me out for a drink and some live music. We met up at four, and decided to check out the National Portrait Gallery, which I hadn't been to. There was a special Bob Dylan exhibition of about ten photographs of Dylan during his European tour in..... I want to say 1966? Anyway, the photographs were great, and my favorite was the one that Dylan used as the cover for "No Direction Home". After the museum, we went across the street to a pub called The Chandos, which felt very old. It was raining buckets, so I decided to get a hot toddy. Not only did only one of the bartenders know what I was talking about, but apparently Brits only drink this concoction when they're sick. It's hot water, whiskey and lemon. It was pretty gross, but it was warm and that's what I needed. After the pub, we went to Notting Hill to check out some local bands playing at Death Disco. We only stayed out until about midnight, and the bands were pretty good. One did an acoustic cover of M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes", which was great, and there was a lot of Kings of Leon-influenced vocals and guitar. It was super fun and FREE!

This morning, I made a decision that I hope will positively impact my life. I bought a standing ticket to see Marilyn Manson perform in December in Brixton. Oh. my. god. I'm going to a Marilyn Manson concert!!! It's just one of those things... like I'm in London and I feel like I should be taking advantage of all these opportunities. The ticket was neither expensive nor inexpensive, I guess. Of course I had to pay a bit more because I want to be right up front near the stage. I don't think I will regret going, but I think I might have regretted not going. Life's too short (or so I keep telling myself).

Tonight, I'm going to another FREE live music gig at Pure Groove Records. An Australian band called Blackchords is playing in a small coffee-shop setting. It's moody, alt rock a la Chris Martin. Sounds good to me!

Also, I'm considering whether or not I ought to get a membership pass to the Prince Charles Cinema. Unfortunately, they only sell 12-month passes for 12 pounds, which isn't bad, but I'm only here for another 3 months. However, with a membership pass, weekday matinees downstairs (the downstairs theatres are more indie) are only 1.50. Which is awesome. I'll have to consider this...

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